
Tag: quote

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  1. WARNING -> An honest signal service??

    Started by darkfx, 01-22-2012 03:54
    ally, been, dickp, experience, far, forex, honest, password, pips, quote, recently, service, signal, signals, war, warning
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 984
    Last Post: 01-27-2012 09:02
    by henryduncan12  Go to last post
  2. 2012

    Started by haba, 01-07-2012 08:20
    2012, aspx, ats, ban, banner, journal, live, performance, quote, rading, sta, statement, stats, users, white
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,417
    Last Post: 05-09-2012 19:10
    by TitusPippo  Go to last post
  3. Good morning every one )

    Started by merci, 12-14-2011 07:23
    along, amantrader, forex, good, leverage, live, morning, quote, risk, skype, support, trader, usd, website, with
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,131
    Last Post: 12-15-2011 05:51
    by merci  Go to last post
  4. hi

    Started by simran, 11-29-2011 09:36
    , beginner, definitely, enjoy, forex basics, forex beginner, hope, lear, learning, new, quote, sharing, with
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 782
    Last Post: 12-02-2011 08:45
    by henryduncan12  Go to last post
  5. Free Trade Ideas

    Started by bullbeary, 11-13-2011 22:51
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 32
    • Views: 2,602
    Last Post: 03-05-2012 05:27
    by Bbarbara  Go to last post

    Started by Mr.Choo, 07-10-2011 04:44
    , 10:1 leverage, 50:1, broker, brokers, forex brokers, fx broker, golden, goldentrader, instaforex, leverage, quote, technical, trader, would
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 3,397
    Last Post: 07-07-2013 08:16
    by Paprika  Go to last post
  7. Happy to Be Here

    Started by onlynaked, 05-13-2011 13:50
    , beginner, clo, contribute, forex basics, forex beginner, gender, happy, interesting, mea, means, off, only, quote, trader, wave
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,915
    Last Post: 07-03-2011 12:53
    by 2farpips  Go to last post
  8. The MasterMind 3 (Championship Edition)

    Started by zpoll, 02-15-2011 19:34
    , championship, contains, dow, download, edition, forex software, link, load, mastermind, might, problem, quote, requested, ship, too
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,294
    Last Post: 02-20-2011 15:40
    by adil08  Go to last post

    Started by fxcharts, 12-13-2010 15:53
    aol, arm, call, cost, daily, easy, email, help, least, leg, pips, quote, real, signals, trade
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,296
    Last Post: 12-13-2010 21:52
    by sniper012  Go to last post
  10. Forex Money Collector

    Started by forextester, 12-09-2010 20:24
    , bad, collector, exit, follow, forex, forex bots, forex software, forex tester, good, job, man, money, news, pips, quote, results, strategies, strategy, tester, trade, trader, trades, trading, usmc
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 3,591
    Last Post: 04-17-2011 10:35
    by castiel  Go to last post
  11. 6+ yrs trading. Follow my trades.

    Started by mahalex, 11-04-2010 19:21
    answer, follow, forex, forex signal, kiss, long, money, patience, pips, quote, rading, results, sad, signal, signals, success, sure, takes, thread, trade, trader, trades, trading
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 2,971
    Last Post: 03-13-2011 10:26
    by Terry4x  Go to last post
  12. List of all available Expert Advisers for MT4?

    Started by RonJon, 09-22-2010 01:50
    , advisers, automated, available, broker, cake, eat, expert, expert adviser, forex, forex bots, forex robots, forex software, forex trading, knows, list, money, mt4, people, quote, recommend, scam, search, some, trade, trading
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,885
    Last Post: 02-10-2011 13:36
    by forex1ok  Go to last post
  13. Online traderoom!

    Started by fxtrader462, 09-06-2010 13:03
    , confusing, deal, forex software, free, good, keeps, line, moderator, online, post, price, question, quote, recently, response, trade, traderoom, traders, trades, works
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,614
    Last Post: 11-05-2010 10:18
    by notaniceman  Go to last post

    Started by scalper7, 08-29-2010 08:11
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    ash, business, cheats, divide, drill, emails, euro, exit, first, forex bots, forex signal, forexmeister, give, given, good, last, level, link, long, money, mt4, net, pips, quote, results, risk, scalper, scalping, signal, signal providers, signals, sorry, strategies, strategy, taste, thread, trade, traderoom, trading, usd, was, website, working, your trade room
    • Replies: 126
    • Views: 23,016
    Last Post: 01-22-2012 06:46
    by scalper7  Go to last post
  15. Is Pip Boxer a Scam?

    Started by PipCollector, 08-25-2010 01:43
    , boxer, dam, forex software, forge, forget, gee, good, money, pip, quote, results, scam, think, trying, was, were, worries
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 3,233
    Last Post: 12-09-2010 04:24
    by FxEAGuy  Go to last post
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 3,166
    Last Post: 01-02-2011 04:17
    by Ǽon  Go to last post
  16. Has anyone used ZuluTrade to Get Rich?

    Started by J.Madigan, 08-18-2010 12:09
    eve, even, forex, forex signal, get, leverage, long, money, quote, rading, results, rich, risk, signal, signal providers, signals, strategy, trade, trading, trading forex, win, zulu, zulu trade signals, zulutrade, zulutrade cftc nfa,, zulutrader, zulutraders
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 6,886
    Last Post: 10-04-2011 23:21
    by pipsprofits  Go to last post
  17. 4usignals

    Started by 4usignals, 07-29-2010 04:50
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    account, automated, buy, day trading, dent, dependent, discounted, eurjpy, everything, excellent, few, forex, forex bots, forex signal, forum, goes, how, independent, long, mai, main, money, monitoring, perfectly, questions, quote, results, signal, signal providers, signals, strategies, strategy, trade, trades, trading, usdcad
    • Replies: 45
    • Views: 7,764
    Last Post: 12-15-2011 17:37
    by pipsaholic  Go to last post
  18. Scalping Strategy for the GBPUSD

    Started by Bichiz, 07-18-2010 21:50
    buy, forex, forex strategies, forex strategy, forex trading, fx-megaforex, gbpus, gbpusd, how, mt4, post, quote, scalping, screw, set, strategies, strategy, trade, trading, yourself
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 7,571
    Last Post: 06-06-2012 16:39
    by Scott Masters  Go to last post
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,933
    Last Post: 10-04-2010 02:01
    by ACE  Go to last post
  19. follow the trend

    Started by PropFX Trader, 06-08-2010 17:57
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 16,526
    Last Post: 01-31-2011 00:06
    by TopTrader  Go to last post
  20. Megaforex Signals

    Started by Bichiz, 04-05-2010 21:23
    2 Pages
    1 2
    analysis, athens, aus, automated, bad, dollar, economic news, eur, fair, forex, forex bots, forex signal, forex signals, free, free forex, fx-megaforex, gbpusd, haven, jpy, kicking, level, like, market, men, news, pivot, post, quote, rating, results, signal, signals, special, thread, trade, treatment, usd, usdjpy, why, winning
    • Replies: 24
    • Views: 4,030
    Last Post: 09-14-2010 05:43
    by 1BraveTrader  Go to last post
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,054
    Last Post: 07-09-2010 03:46
    by tab  Go to last post
  21. what do you do for a living?

    Started by NILS, 01-28-2010 04:22
    , beginner, between, collision, currencies, employment, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex trade, forex trading, forum, forums, home, jobs, level, long, moment, money, night, nursing, quote, really, recently, sad, scam, trade, trader, trading, work
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 5,272
    Last Post: 08-10-2011 13:15
    by USMC  Go to last post
  22. question

    Started by NILS, 01-29-2010 04:01
    , 2012, beginner, book, chaos, currencies, day trading, depression, detail, exchange, foreign exchange, foreign exchange trading, forex basics, forex beginner, forum, good, long, profitable, question, quote, rading, really, recommend, trade, trading
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 2,110
    Last Post: 07-02-2010 16:13
    by YourTradeRoom  Go to last post
  23. Fast Brokers / Currenex

    Started by RCR2009, 12-15-2009 17:27
    , broker, brokers, classic, currenex, forex, forex brokers, forum, fx broker, heard, hello, ice, news, news spike, nice, opic, post, price, quote, scalping, tad, trade, traders, trades, whi, wide, widening
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 6,806
    Last Post: 08-16-2010 08:52
    by sirz01  Go to last post
  24. Let Us Make Money For You.

    Started by FX TRADEAGT, 09-26-2009 22:34
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 3,037
    Last Post: 06-09-2010 07:45
    by DickP  Go to last post
  25. Forex Day Monster

    Started by thismyprofit, 08-31-2009 11:10
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 3,702
    Last Post: 09-15-2010 07:27
    by PipCollector  Go to last post
  26. which newspaper to read?

    Started by tusjan, 08-26-2009 21:51
    , analysis, beginner, business, cnbc, feeds, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, journal, long, mea, mean, most, new, news, newspaper, quote, rading, reading, ree, trade, trading
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 2,752
    Last Post: 01-26-2011 15:42
    by forexninja  Go to last post
  27. If You Are Going To Buy IvyBot

    Started by brianguy, 07-30-2009 07:40
    , away, baby, bot, buy, evil, expert adviser, expert advisor, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, forexmegatrion, forum, fraudster, free, give, ivybot, metatrader, metatrader 4, purchasing, quote, results, review, trades, try, working, works
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 3,436
    Last Post: 09-16-2010 18:46
    by erdalli  Go to last post
  28. Joke Of The Day!

    Started by enterprice, 05-22-2009 21:14
    , aside, beginner, broker, brokers, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex broker, iforex, joke, mai, main, money, owe, page, pic, placed, policy, quote, should, thumb, traders, trading
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 4,039
    Last Post: 07-02-2010 16:01
    by YourTradeRoom  Go to last post
  29. Sell Nzd Jpy

    Started by shiny100, 07-03-2009 12:15
    bre, currency, dollar, forex signal, gained, great, japanese, job, jpy, lost, minnesota, money, new, new zealand, nzd, quote, signal, signals, thumb, tons, trade, very, yen, zealand
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,460
    Last Post: 10-16-2009 15:31
    by DickP  Go to last post
  30. the true resistance and support

    Started by hosamali, 04-15-2009 11:25
    , analysis, beginner, bored, breakout, factor, forex basics, forex beginner, how, long, price, quote, resistance, results, support, technical, traders, trend, trend line, true
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,268
    Last Post: 09-08-2009 06:34
    by 2fxPON  Go to last post
  31. Forex News from InstaForex

    Started by IFX Ekaterina, 01-21-2009 12:26
    30 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 30
    • Replies: 593
    • Views: 58,652
    Last Post: 10-11-2013 08:12
    by IFX Gertrude  Go to last post
  32. i advice all to read carefully

    Started by rozal, 02-12-2009 10:53
    back, backtesting, before, currency, effective, factor, forex, forex market, forexnewsmarket, free, gain, good, like, money, more, moving average, necessary, news, point, post, prove, proven, quote, seems, signals, strategies, strategy, success, traders, write
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,864
    Last Post: 09-14-2009 21:13
    by Jack.MeHoff  Go to last post
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,746
    Last Post: 01-29-2009 05:35
    by DickP  Go to last post
  33. Anything better than Forex Killer?

    Started by acidburn03, 01-07-2009 03:28
    , ally, beginner, better, bucket, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex peace army, funniest, guy, indicators, killer, long, maybe, mt4, quote, recently, short, thumb, top, toptrader, totally, trade
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 3,800
    Last Post: 02-02-2012 18:31
    by Namon  Go to last post
  34. Advisory web

    Started by rozal, 01-07-2009 08:59
    advisory, fore, forex, forex signal, forex signals, free, free forex, manual, performance, profesional, program, quote, signal, signals, trade, using, website
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,222
    Last Post: 02-10-2009 07:59
    by Mike  Go to last post
  35. 10 Tips for your success in Forex trading

    Started by traderkenny, 12-17-2008 09:12
    2 Pages
    1 2
    , anyway, appears, bat, beginner, broker, buy, error, exit, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex trading, gold, investment, jpy, liquidate, money, pic, plug, quote, replaces, risk, searches, soldier, strategy, thumb, trend, usd, use, wise, with, word, world
    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 6,908
    Last Post: 01-11-2012 23:54
    by JonnyMuzz  Go to last post
  36. Hi all

    Started by zephyr, 11-12-2008 18:39
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    , across, automated, beginner, break, broker, brokers, cat, cell, detail, etc, euro, everyone, expert advisor, few, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, forex trading, forum, forums, heck, money, obama, pips, quote, trades, welcome, welcome to the forums, whi, zephyr
    • Replies: 61
    • Views: 8,929
    Last Post: 04-06-2012 02:46
    by Varg  Go to last post
  37. Forex M.O.D Trading System

    Started by adpablo, 09-27-2008 22:33
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,777
    Last Post: 08-05-2010 19:54
    by Avon  Go to last post
  38. 300 – 500 per week.

    Started by Lineprofit, 08-30-2008 15:31
    buy, eur, eur/usd, forex, forex market, forex signal, get, interesting, jpy, last, level, month, online, options, other, per, quote, results, service, signal, signals, trading, usd, usd/jpy, week, with
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,285
    Last Post: 09-24-2008 16:30
    by Lineprofit  Go to last post
  39. Broker Review- Forex Metal

    Started by annaj, 08-29-2008 20:03
    , 4xp, 4xp broker, broker, brokers, bump, chinese, collar, daughter, eurjpy, few, forex, forex brokers, fx broker, gold, introducing broker, japanese, market maker, meta, metal, metatrader, method, pairs, pips, quote, russia, suggested, wire, withdrawals, zecco
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 3,097
    Last Post: 09-01-2011 09:18
    by Fgold  Go to last post
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 2,435
    Last Post: 10-14-2009 16:55
    by TradeThePound  Go to last post
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 4,879
    Last Post: 07-16-2010 17:52
    by jakesullivan  Go to last post
  40. Amazing signal

    Started by leefx, 08-04-2008 10:12
    amazing, believable, blogspot, buy, cad, chf, eur, forex signal, fxdm, gbp, jpy, nzd, nzd/jpy, quote, see, signal, signals, truly, usd
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,516
    Last Post: 12-21-2008 00:48
    by ACE  Go to last post
  41. Forex Beater EA results

    Started by pipsbuster, 08-04-2008 14:28
    , automated, current, days, discounted, forex, forex bots, forex software, forex trading, free, hit, hitter, how, indicators, killer, metatrader, money, quote, results, signals, strategies, suicide, trader, trades, trading, turbulent, win, winning, working
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 4,254
    Last Post: 08-06-2010 05:49
    by FxFreedom  Go to last post
  42. Recommended Books?

    Started by, 06-23-2008 19:51
    , analysis, arts, bad, beginner, beyond, books, broker, candlesticks, couple, day trading, email, explained, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forum, free, link, money, nothing, quote, really, technical, too, trading, useful, wasn, world, worth
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,510
    Last Post: 02-07-2011 00:48
    by tab  Go to last post
  43. MetaTrader4 Indicator ultimate(simple)system

    Started by LCW-FX, 06-03-2008 01:41
    , believe, buy, charts, coding, fear, feeds, fibonacci, fibonacci levels, forex, forex software, free, goes, good, how, indicator, indicators, lit, little, look, metatrader, mt4, new, pics, price, quote, red, results, see, shame, signals, trades, trading, win, window, wish
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 3,315
    Last Post: 04-03-2009 03:11
    by BigE  Go to last post
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 6,394
    Last Post: 07-07-2013 08:17
    by Paprika  Go to last post
  44. Stop_reversal_bluestops-indicator

    Started by EV0912, 03-19-2008 18:40
    , body, ear, earn, feeds, forex software, indicator, know, lit, little, living, quote, spam, through, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,505
    Last Post: 01-04-2012 02:08
    by mk3fx  Go to last post
  45. I Think I can Start My Own Signal Service

    Started by tab, 03-08-2008 17:46
    2011, agree, confused, day, expenses, forex, forex signal, forum, goes, into, making, market, money, more, new, news, nothing, pips, prediction, quote, see, signal, signal provider, signals, thumb, trades, win, winners, zulu, zulutrade
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,429
    Last Post: 12-31-2010 08:56
    by tab  Go to last post
  46. Forex Killer Is A Scam (I'm almost certain)

    Started by Winston, 02-06-2008 11:24
    2 Pages
    1 2
    account, advice, ally, bad, because, believe, better, between, bush, buying, cen, certain, charm, china, concentrate, dickp, did, didn, enter, evidence, exit, expert, expert advisor, feeling, finally, first, forex, forex bots, forex signal, gave, get, grew, guys, hard, hello, into, journal, keep, killer, king, know, like, lit, little, looks, lose, mad, make, making, marketing, maybe, might, millions, mind, monthly, move, moved, new, other, perhaps, pivot, places, poster, product, program, promo, proof, prove, provide, pull, putting, quote, rading, rate, rip, row, scam, see, seems, show, signal, signals, trader, trades, trading forex, trend, voting, wholesale, wins, winston, works, yourself
    • Replies: 21
    • Views: 5,189
    Last Post: 08-16-2010 11:05
    by DickP  Go to last post
  47. ForexYard

    Started by FX-Update, 06-24-2010 08:04
    , bear, broker, brokers, bucket, bucketshop, forex brokers, forexyard, fx broker, had, money, quote, remorse, shop, take, with
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,692
    Last Post: 11-12-2010 14:00
    by jutsu  Go to last post
  48. Eurusd

    Started by atraderx, 04-25-2009 06:08
    currency, did, dollar, era, euro, eurusd, fare, forex, forex profit, forex signal, free, generated, good, great, job, june, know, level, period, pips, profit, quote, signal, signals, trade, trades, usd, was
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 3,204
    Last Post: 03-13-2011 10:28
    by Terry4x  Go to last post
  49. 850 pips/month forex signals

    Started by count, 05-01-2009 19:22
    account, accounts, broker, brokers, case, demo, forex, forex signal, forex signals, game, likely, mea, means, money, most, pips, quote, risk, signal, signals, smith, talking, think, trade, trading
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 3,527
    Last Post: 09-14-2010 05:41
    by 1BraveTrader  Go to last post
  50. Want a great EA?

    Started by Irish Trader, 05-27-2010 09:12
    , black, con, expert advisor, foreign exchange, foreign exchange trading, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex robots, forex software, good, great, long, market, pips, quote, results, trader, trades, trading, underground, want, website, works, would
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,903
    Last Post: 02-01-2011 19:37
    by Jason  Go to last post
  51. Which signal provider do you recommend?

    Started by forexmix, 05-21-2010 10:08
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 35
    • Views: 6,913
    Last Post: 02-21-2011 09:18
    by VyNNeR  Go to last post
  52. IGTFX technical analysis

    Started by igtfx.research, 04-20-2010 10:39
    analysi, analysis, aus, currency, especially, eur/jpy, euro, funds, gbpjpy, good, igtfx, indicator, interest rate, jpy, long, morning, pips, quote, signals, tech, technical, technical analysis, too, trading, usd, website, yen
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,457
    Last Post: 11-23-2010 19:58
    by thefxguru  Go to last post
  53. Most Profitable Forex Indicator Known to Mankind

    Started by Angelous, 03-16-2008 04:42
    10 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    • Replies: 190
    • Views: 67,042
    Last Post: 10-14-2013 19:10
    by Jones  Go to last post
  54. Short GBP/JPY

    Started by DickP, 03-07-2008 04:41
    buy, cen, cents, gbp, get, greedy, hour, ice, job, jpy, moves, news, news spike, nice, pair, pips, quote, short, should, take, thumb, trade, usually
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,564
    Last Post: 10-27-2009 16:14
    by Mike  Go to last post
  55. Long GBP/CHF

    Started by GolfSuper, 02-25-2008 00:12
    bush, eco, economy, find, gbp, high, long, looki, looking, luck, myself, now, pips, quote, right, too, world
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,458
    Last Post: 02-25-2008 17:27
    by McPott  Go to last post
  56. Short Eur/Usd

    Started by GolfSuper, 02-25-2008 14:18
    associated, did, ear, earned, entry, eur, eur/usd, exit, fail, fast, free, high, hos, host, how, ill, like, line, love, manga, pics, pips, pre, pretty, price, quote, school, secure, short, sub, try, usd, well, world
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,590
    Last Post: 01-09-2009 07:19
    by BigE  Go to last post
  57. PoltekFX Broker Review

    Started by PoltekFX, 02-16-2008 07:25
    , account, affiliate, analysis, blog, bonus, bonuses, broker, brokers, bullion, card, chinese, credit, everyone, execution, fast, february, financial, forex, forex brokers, forex trading, form, forum, futures, fx broker, get, give, gold, guys, hello, ideas, indonesia, indonesian, less, liberty, like, limited, make, malaysia, malaysian, minutes, money, new, opening, options, par, part, partnership, per, platform, poltekfx, price, quote, rading, range, related, reserve, review, russia, russian, sense, sharing, site, sta, stan, thumb, trading, useful, wire, withdrawal, withdrawals
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 3,787
    Last Post: 07-11-2013 08:36
    by pipMasterG  Go to last post
  58. Anyone use

    Started by BlAze, 01-06-2008 07:05
    afford, amazing, blog, business, cen, cents, forex signal, forexpromise, funny, get, killer, looks, miss, nothing, out, past, performance, pop, program, promise, promising, quote, should, signal, signals, site, too, use
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,659
    Last Post: 07-22-2010 23:32
    by DickP  Go to last post
  59. Simple forex scalping strategy

    Started by easttech, 12-08-2007 13:50
    200 day sma, advice, agree, also, back, begin, beginners, better, buy, chart, comfortable, dow, down, downtrend, eas, east, emerges, expo, exponential, eye, feel, forex, forex scalping, forex strategies, forex strategy, forex trading, forex trading strategies, good, great, important, interesting, keep, like, look, looki, looking, looks, lots, market, minute, more, moving averages, need, out, price, pulls, quote, rading, ranging, reversing, scalping, scalping strategy, see, sell, set, share, simple, sma, small, sounds, strategies, strategy, strong, tech, thing, trades, trading, trend, uptrend, works
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,816
    Last Post: 07-27-2011 03:25
    by chaso  Go to last post
  60. FOREX VIDEO: When to Buy, When To Sell

    Started by Mike, 12-09-2007 00:26
    , agree, audio, basic, beginner, better, black, buy, confusion, direction, end, experts, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex video, forexforums, fusion, honest, hoping, introduction, job, judge, know, knowing, lit, little, make, market, more, much, only, people, quote, self, sell, should, simple, size, some, something, thumb, youtube
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,356
    Last Post: 11-28-2010 15:32
    by Jones  Go to last post
  61. Live Trade, Shorting JPY @ 111.90

    Started by Mike, 12-13-2007 12:29
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,520
    Last Post: 10-26-2010 23:10
    by Davelly  Go to last post
  62. Poll: How long have you been trading Forex?

    Started by Mike, 12-03-2007 06:10
    11 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 11
    , abs, academy, adam, already, although, analysis, answer, aus, automated, beat, because, been, beginner, biblical, brand, broker, buy, cheap, clearance, confide, confident, cool, course, credits, currently, divided, ear, earn, enough, eric, eventually, experience, expert, fall, february, fore, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, forum, forums, gained, get, give, glitch, good, guys, had, half, hearing, help, hope, hopefully, how, indicator, into, investment, jpy, knowledge, life, like, long, look, make, makes, margin, material, maybe, meta, meta trader, money, mt4, negative, net, never, new, newbie, newbies, news, now, owner, par, part, people, pills, points, post, price action, program, punch, quote, rading, recently, scam, scheme, search, signal providers, signals, site, software, solid, some, study, succeed, thread, thumb, timing, top gun, top gun software, trades, trading, trading forex, urging, wide, win, wisely, wish, working, worth, yourself, zulutrade, zulutraders 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 212
    • Views: 51,830
    Last Post: 07-17-2013 16:03
    by will  Go to last post
  63. Short Cable @ 2.0609

    Started by DickP, 12-04-2007 08:44
    area, around, cable, corruption, dickp, dud, keep, need, out, pip, profit, quote, seeing, set, shi, short, spread, stopped, support, take, temporarily, update
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,506
    Last Post: 02-20-2008 12:36
    by McPott  Go to last post
  64. Poll: How big was your Forex Account when you Started?

    Started by Mike, 12-04-2007 11:46
    11 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 11
    , account, adam, ally, around, art, automated, back, beginner, bow, broker, came, collar, confidence, credits, current, dam, day trading, devastation, discounted, divide, dollar, donald, dow, down, dumped, dwindling, ear, earn, easy, era, etoro, eve, even, event, exactly, except, felix, first, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, forexlady, forum, forums, funds, fxcm, fxstreet, gains, gbp/aud, generate, get, gold, guys, help, how, importance, into, investors, last, lear, learned, leverage, lit, little, lost, mad, made, make, may, mini, money, month, more, most, new, newbies, only, over, people, pic, place, points, post, put, quote, receive, risk, second, should, signals, size, some, spread, star, started, strategies, study, thread, thumb, trading, typhoon, usd, vote, wasn, win, wind, winning, wiped, wise, wiser, wish, working, works, worth, yesterday, zulu
    • Replies: 212
    • Views: 60,306
    Last Post: 07-17-2013 16:05
    by will  Go to last post
  65. Does anybody actually use Easy Forex?

    Started by #01, 12-05-2007 12:16
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    , advertisements, affiliate, ally, along, already, assumption, because, become, beginner, biased, bot, bottom, broker, brokers, bucket, bucketshop, bump, capital, cftc, clearly, comment, company, ear, earn, easy, era, experience, felix, first, forex, forex brokers, forum, fx broker, give, hand, haven, heard, higher, how, internet, into, invest, israel, jpy, knowledge, let, leverage, light, like, line, link, long, make, market, market maker, members, might, money, more, negative, new, news, often, par, people, pips, plenty, promo, promoting, push, put, quote, really, reviews, see, seems, set, shed, some, something, spam, thumb, trading, usd, wide, win, wiped, wish
    • Replies: 58
    • Views: 17,135
    Last Post: 07-06-2011 10:53
    by blocktrading  Go to last post
  66. Best money manager performance

    Started by moudir, 02-12-2008 20:05
    account, asking, average, been, broker, came, charge, clients, con, connection, contract, currency, days, demo, duration, email, established, even, events, execute, expected, experienced, fees, hahahahahaha, happened, historical, history, honest, how, internet, invest, investme, investment, investments, like, limited, location, long, make, managed, management, manager, maximum, minimum, money, monitor, month, much, new, often, open, operate, orders, pairs, per, performance, pips, place, plans, power, providing, questions, quote, risk, see, service, sta, statement, trades, with, withdraws
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 4,338
    Last Post: 10-06-2010 20:07
    by Jones  Go to last post
  67. If You Could Give Me One Tip...

    Started by Galactus, 02-10-2008 04:57
    , also, because, beginner, clear, close, concern, cool, direction, emails, emotions, etc, eurgbp, eurjpy, eurusd, example, exit, fact, find, first, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex trading, forums, gbpchf, gbpusd, get, give, giving, hear, hello, high, immediately, indicators, interbank, keeping, know, leading, like, looks, lost, lots, luck, management, market, may, mea, means, minutes, money, moves, new, obs, off, old, over, people, place, plays, quote, real, rules, scalpers, scared, set, should, signals, some, suddenly, trader, usdchf, usdjpy, worry
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 2,622
    Last Post: 01-09-2011 20:10
    by igotskillz  Go to last post
  68. Short EUR/USD for quick scalp

    Started by DickP, 01-18-2008 07:06
    account, anticipated, cares, day, dickp, did, during, ended, eur, eur/usd, good, hearing, held, hour, how, like, lots, love, making, monitoring, out, pip, quick, quote, scalp, scalping, short, smart, strategy, usd
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,899
    Last Post: 01-07-2011 05:00
    by peter  Go to last post
  69. PIP BOXER Email Alerts

    Started by DickP, 01-18-2008 21:48
    ally, along, automated, before, boxer, buy, demo, did, different, effective, email, expert advisor, first, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex signal, get, give, given, going, guys, haven, heard, hindsight, how, ill, let, live, long, looki, looking, make, makes, market, money, month, only, out, paid, people, pip, pipboxer, pizza, post, quote, rading, results, right, screw, script, seeing, shi, signal, signals, somewhat, soon, still, trading, wire, word, works
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,696
    Last Post: 07-25-2010 09:00
    by iglesias  Go to last post
  70. Top 30 Forex Brokers, but based on what?

    Started by DickP, 01-22-2008 00:34
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    , advanced, adventure, arguments, assumption, based, because, been, being, blog, broker, brokers, buy, capital, cfsa, chance, cheap, citizen, cleaner, club, cmc, cms, criteria, crow, crown, currency, days, dbfx, dealers, dick, distant, dukascopy, enough, fail, far, feedback, feeds, fold, forex, forex bots, forex brokers, forex trading, fx broker, fxopen, give, hits, how, indent, interactive, interbank, investme, investments, judge, king, know, league, least, leverage, limited, llc, london, lowering, ltd, markets, men, mig, might, money, more, most, multiple, negative, new, northfinance, now, number, oanda, odl, overall, people, perhaps, pick, platform, quote, rading, rating, really, relevant, reliability, scientific, script, traders, trades, trading, withdrawal, world
    • Replies: 48
    • Views: 122,627
    Last Post: 03-20-2012 06:41
    by Ejaz123  Go to last post
  71. Broker Review: Dukascopy Swiss FX (Dukascopy)

    Started by FF, 01-22-2008 02:52
    , account, accounts, ace, also, approval, bank, banking, became, before, bridge, broker, brokers, certain, cheap, chf, color, complaints, deposit, drag, dukascopy, ecn, execution, experiences, fair, far, faster, fine, forex brokers, free, fx broker, good, had, help, however, impact, individuals, into, investing, king, know, law, license, link, lots, make, maybe, meta trader, metatrader, minds, money, new, now, otherwise, overall, own, plus, pro, problems, protected, quote, rading, received, recently, recommend, red, review, safe, size, success, traders, trading, usd, works, zecco
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 4,874
    Last Post: 09-27-2010 01:39
    by Martin2  Go to last post
  72. Broker Review: Marketiva

    Started by FF, 01-22-2008 02:53
    , accept, account, america, american, back, because, before, bodies, broker, brokers, change, color, con, corporation, countries, country, currently, customers, distribution, efficient, experiences, export, forex, forex brokers, free, fx broker, gold, had, help, hot, international, into, investing, law, limitation, line, list, local, lots, make, manga, marketiva, minds, money, new, opening, people, person, pics, place, play, problems, quote, rading, really, red, regulation, res, responsibility, restrictions, review, sanctions, services, size, soon, success, traders, trading, twi, wholesale, zecco
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,266
    Last Post: 10-30-2008 19:06
    by cadedvd  Go to last post
  73. Broker Review: CMC Markets

    Started by FF, 01-22-2008 02:59
    , account, before, broker, brokers, client, cmc, color, disclosure, experiences, fee, forex brokers, fx broker, had, help, into, investing, less, lots, make, market, markets, minds, money, new, out, pays, problems, quote, rading, red, review, see, send, size, success, traders, trading, wire
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,402
    Last Post: 08-16-2011 04:53
    by DarkManFX  Go to last post
  74. Free Brand New Forex Trading Ebook

    Started by samuraidojo, 02-03-2008 13:45
    , although, beginner, book, brand, ebook, everyone, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex trading, free, good, guide, happy, haven, hello, help, hope, insider, lot, luck, new, newbies, open, out, pips, quote, rading, sharing, site, trading
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,945
    Last Post: 10-07-2009 04:39
    by lhar_ff  Go to last post
  75. Topgun Software Crashing Like Crazy?!?!!

    Started by LOSTY, 02-16-2008 16:08
    , ally, analyze, answer, art, asked, bad, before, box, brand, chat, errors, forex software, glitch, good, having, hello, helps, hope, how, ice, ideas, into, january, like, load, luck, make, massive, month, new, nice, normal, old, only, pips, problem, problems, quote, rain, really, remedy, since, software, star, start, thumb, topgun
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,900
    Last Post: 03-02-2008 21:06
    by Mike  Go to last post
Results 1 to 82 of 239
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