
Tag: forex bots

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  1. Poll: How long have you been trading Forex?

    Started by Mike, 12-03-2007 06:10
    11 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 11
    , abs, academy, adam, already, although, analysis, answer, aus, automated, beat, because, been, beginner, biblical, brand, broker, buy, cheap, clearance, confide, confident, cool, course, credits, currently, divided, ear, earn, enough, eric, eventually, experience, expert, fall, february, fore, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, forum, forums, gained, get, give, glitch, good, guys, had, half, hearing, help, hope, hopefully, how, indicator, into, investment, jpy, knowledge, life, like, long, look, make, makes, margin, material, maybe, meta, meta trader, money, mt4, negative, net, never, new, newbie, newbies, news, now, owner, par, part, people, pills, points, post, price action, program, punch, quote, rading, recently, scam, scheme, search, signal providers, signals, site, software, solid, some, study, succeed, thread, thumb, timing, top gun, top gun software, trades, trading, trading forex, urging, wide, win, wisely, wish, working, worth, yourself, zulutrade, zulutraders 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 212
    • Views: 52,055
    Last Post: 07-17-2013 16:03
    by will  Go to last post
  2. Poll: How big was your Forex Account when you Started?

    Started by Mike, 12-04-2007 11:46
    11 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 11
    , account, adam, ally, around, art, automated, back, beginner, bow, broker, came, collar, confidence, credits, current, dam, day trading, devastation, discounted, divide, dollar, donald, dow, down, dumped, dwindling, ear, earn, easy, era, etoro, eve, even, event, exactly, except, felix, first, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, forexlady, forum, forums, funds, fxcm, fxstreet, gains, gbp/aud, generate, get, gold, guys, help, how, importance, into, investors, last, lear, learned, leverage, lit, little, lost, mad, made, make, may, mini, money, month, more, most, new, newbies, only, over, people, pic, place, points, post, put, quote, receive, risk, second, should, signals, size, some, spread, star, started, strategies, study, thread, thumb, trading, typhoon, usd, vote, wasn, win, wind, winning, wiped, wise, wiser, wish, working, works, worth, yesterday, zulu
    • Replies: 212
    • Views: 60,509
    Last Post: 07-17-2013 16:05
    by will  Go to last post
  3. Where to get mentoring?

    Started by -=Glitch=-, 12-05-2007 06:10
    , advisors, also, although, automated, bain, beginner, believe, chart, charts, chat, cheers, currency, day, dow, download, drop, ear, education, entering, expert, follow, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, free, get, gives, glitch, help, how, ice, ideas, identity, jobs, like, line, live, load, look, lot, markets, may, member, men, mentoring, money, near, opic, pairs, people, period, personal, peter, platform, program, rading, really, recommend, revolutionary, see, seven, sign, simon, software, some, topgunsoftware, traders, trades, trading, world, write, youtube
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 4,535
    Last Post: 01-29-2011 08:29
    by Pans  Go to last post
  4. Poll: What's so bad about

    Started by BuyHigh, 12-07-2007 09:40
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    , abruptly, account, affecting, against, agree, aliens, appeared, appears, ars, back, bad, bat, because, been, before, between, beware, bid, biggest, both, broker, brokers, brought, bucket, buffer, business, buy, capital, cftc, commenter, contest, current, dam, dates, dollar, dow, down, earned, enter, entry, esignal, fake, far, fault, felix, forex, forex bots, forex brokers, forex peace army, forex trading, futures trading, fx broker, hear, hedge, higher, hit, horrible, hundred, hunt, hunting, important, impression, interest, interest rate, into, issues, japanese, jpy, large, level, market maker, merchant, might, mini, minimum, money, months, more, move, moves, much, negative, never, new, news, nfa, ning, note, nowhere, oldest, order, orders, other, pips, price, regulated, results, risk, robbed, scam, scams, suggested, thumb, trader, trades, trading, trend, usd, visitor, whi, wide, window, winning, wiser, wish, withdrawals, working, written, yield, yielding, yields, yourself, youtube
    • Replies: 91
    • Views: 37,219
    Last Post: 07-16-2012 02:51
    by pip  Go to last post
  5. SIGNAL REVIEW REQUEST: Trend Forex System

    Started by McPott, 12-08-2007 08:59
    2008, account, admins, ally, also, area, been, before, calculated, chronicle, comment, deliver, demo, ear, earn, efforts, either, energy, experiences, extra, february, find, forex, forex bots, forex signal, forum, forums, good, great, however, huge, ill, indicator, individuals, know, less, let, like, lit, little, looks, loss, made, make, money, move, need, negative, new, only, par, part, people, post, products, profitable, promise, purchase, request, results, review, see, selling, signal, signals, simply, single, some, someone, thread, trades, trend, works, world, zulu, zulutrade
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,386
    Last Post: 03-04-2008 04:12
    by Rasheen  Go to last post
  6. Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Started by McPott, 12-30-2007 14:47
    17 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 17
    • Replies: 324
    • Views: 97,174
    Last Post: 07-11-2013 11:21
    by SooDAN  Go to last post
  7. PIP BOXER Email Alerts

    Started by DickP, 01-18-2008 21:48
    ally, along, automated, before, boxer, buy, demo, did, different, effective, email, expert advisor, first, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex signal, get, give, given, going, guys, haven, heard, hindsight, how, ill, let, live, long, looki, looking, make, makes, market, money, month, only, out, paid, people, pip, pipboxer, pizza, post, quote, rading, results, right, screw, script, seeing, shi, signal, signals, somewhat, soon, still, trading, wire, word, works
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,712
    Last Post: 07-25-2010 09:00
    by iglesias  Go to last post
  8. Top 30 Forex Brokers, but based on what?

    Started by DickP, 01-22-2008 00:34
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    , advanced, adventure, arguments, assumption, based, because, been, being, blog, broker, brokers, buy, capital, cfsa, chance, cheap, citizen, cleaner, club, cmc, cms, criteria, crow, crown, currency, days, dbfx, dealers, dick, distant, dukascopy, enough, fail, far, feedback, feeds, fold, forex, forex bots, forex brokers, forex trading, fx broker, fxopen, give, hits, how, indent, interactive, interbank, investme, investments, judge, king, know, league, least, leverage, limited, llc, london, lowering, ltd, markets, men, mig, might, money, more, most, multiple, negative, new, northfinance, now, number, oanda, odl, overall, people, perhaps, pick, platform, quote, rading, rating, really, relevant, reliability, scientific, script, traders, trades, trading, withdrawal, world
    • Replies: 48
    • Views: 122,674
    Last Post: 03-20-2012 06:41
    by Ejaz123  Go to last post
  9. Broker Review: FXOpen

    Started by FF, 01-22-2008 03:13
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    , account, activity, administrative, agree, announce, announced, aspx, automated, available, before, bonus, both, broker, brokers, calendar, chat, color, contest, current, currently, day, defined, deposit, discount, dna, eco, economic, educational, effect, emails, event, experiences, extremely, fast, feb, fee, feedback, first, forex, forex bots, forex brokers, forex trading, forum, fur, fx broker, fxi, fxopen, get, glitch, gold, had, happened, help, ill, indonesia, into, investing, italy, join, know, last, level, like, line, live, llc, lots, make, maybe, micro, minds, money, more, mt4, new, news, offer, official, plan, post, problems, process, rading, received, red, regional, registrations, results, review, risk, rules, see, size, skype, success, technical, trade, trading, usd, welcome bonus, win, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawals, world, write
    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 12,059
    Last Post: 03-22-2011 05:34
    by tab  Go to last post
  10. Broker Review: Delta Stock

    Started by FF, 01-22-2008 03:32
    , 4xp, 4xp broker, before, broker, brokers, buy, cheap, color, delta, deltastock, eat, experiences, expert advisor, forex bots, forex brokers, forex ea, fx broker, good, had, help, into, investing, live, lots, make, minds, money, new, problems, rading, red, review, size, stoc, stock, success, thumb, traders, trading, zecco 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,697
    Last Post: 09-08-2010 07:57
    by DickP  Go to last post
  11. Expert Advisor for Trading the News?

    Started by LazeBoy, 01-23-2008 07:33
    , advisor, expert, expert advisor, forex bots, forex software, heard, know, looki, looking, news, news spike, rading, roll, too, trading, trading the news, waiting
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,125
    Last Post: 09-19-2009 00:36
    by Judge  Go to last post
  12. Forex Killer Is A Scam (I'm almost certain)

    Started by Winston, 02-06-2008 11:24
    2 Pages
    1 2
    account, advice, ally, bad, because, believe, better, between, bush, buying, cen, certain, charm, china, concentrate, dickp, did, didn, enter, evidence, exit, expert, expert advisor, feeling, finally, first, forex, forex bots, forex signal, gave, get, grew, guys, hard, hello, into, journal, keep, killer, king, know, like, lit, little, looks, lose, mad, make, making, marketing, maybe, might, millions, mind, monthly, move, moved, new, other, perhaps, pivot, places, poster, product, program, promo, proof, prove, provide, pull, putting, quote, rading, rate, rip, row, scam, see, seems, show, signal, signals, trader, trades, trading forex, trend, voting, wholesale, wins, winston, works, yourself
    • Replies: 21
    • Views: 5,212
    Last Post: 08-16-2010 11:05
    by DickP  Go to last post
  13. Editing EX4 Files for MetaTrader4?

    Started by ACE, 02-08-2008 05:53
    , adviser, answer, backwards, beyond, bump, button, cake, changed, chart, edit, editing, expert, expert adviser, expert advisor, files, fit, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, form, good, great, hit, hitting, how, ill, impossible, indicators, into, know, like, mad, meta, meta trader, metatrader, migrate, modified, mq4, mt4, obvious, open, out, plan, platform, programs, proper, properties, puts, question, rading, required, right, see, self, slightly, source, trader, trading, trading plan 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 9,966
    Last Post: 06-30-2012 22:05
    by Rhjd8  Go to last post
  14. what broker do you use?

    Started by Ugher, 02-08-2008 16:01
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    • Replies: 124
    • Views: 24,602
    Last Post: 06-19-2013 12:25
    by will  Go to last post
  15. I think I need another computer or two

    Started by DickP, 02-11-2008 13:58
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 5,463
    Last Post: 12-28-2012 18:25
    by FxMassa  Go to last post
  16. EARN POINTS THREAD: What Forex Software Do You Use?

    Started by Mike, 02-12-2008 19:46
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    • Replies: 127
    • Views: 30,031
    Last Post: 01-02-2012 06:47
    by dreya  Go to last post
  17. Sticky Thread Sticky: FOREX FORUMS FOR BEGINNERS Section

    Started by Mike, 02-20-2008 01:51
    9 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    , account, activities, adam, advertisements, aliens, analysis, answers, area, ask, aspects, automated, beautiful, beginner, behavior, broker, brokers, candlestick, comic, concentrate, dam, downloads, elliot, elliott wave, entertainment, exit, extremes, factor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex robot, forex trading, forum, forums, free forex, fur, gain, gains, gold, hello, help, hope, ice, idea, investment, king, line, living, losing, made, mai, main, make, making, mentor program, money, monitor, month, most, much, new, newbie, newbies, opic, own, par, pic, pics, pig, platform, plot, points, post, pre, pretty, price action, prize, questions, recently, red, response, responses, risk, sec, section, signals, sponsor, stay, strategies, submission, suits, technical, thumb, trade, trading, trading forex, universe, win, winner, winners, wire, wisdom, wish, words, world, written, yourself 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 175
    • Views: 45,622
    Last Post: 10-08-2013 13:36
    by sofiefx  Go to last post
  18. Sticky Thread Sticky: Information In This Forum Is Not Trading Advice

    Started by Mike, 02-20-2008 13:29
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 10,443
    Last Post: 06-11-2013 21:48
    by candle7779  Go to last post
  19. MetaTrader4 Indicator PETIT PIPS`-EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 02-24-2008 16:13
    dow, download, expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, indicator, load, meta, metatrader, metatrader 4, mt4, petit, pips, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,953
    Last Post: 02-24-2008 16:13
    by LCW-FX  Go to last post
  20. Excellent program to help you trading forex

    Started by Mike, 02-25-2008 15:47
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    • Replies: 82
    • Views: 18,161
    Last Post: 07-29-2011 14:28
    by ChartWizQ  Go to last post
  21. End of the day short of EUR/JPY

    Started by #01, 03-01-2008 04:08
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 3,229
    Last Post: 07-30-2010 05:55
    by vwxy467  Go to last post
  22. - Free Forex Signal

    Started by rpchost, 03-01-2008 13:37
    2008, analysis, era, forex, forex bots, forex signal, forex trading, free, free forex, hit, hope, how, interest, interest rate, jpy, level, link, looks, market, pips, provides, sharing, signal, signals, site, technical, traders, trading, usd, useful, yesterday
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,797
    Last Post: 06-23-2008 19:57
    by  Go to last post
  23. kindly looking for help!

    Started by mankeyinc, 03-02-2008 11:57
    aus, automated, exit, extremely, feedback, foreign exchange, forex, forex bots, forex signal, free, heating, hedge, hedge funds, hello, help, hos, hosted, how, impressive, instrument, international, investme, investment, investments, investor, investors, japanese, moderator, money, network, new, pieces, post, results, risk, signal, signals, strategy, thumb, traders, trades, wide, winning, zealand
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 3,361
    Last Post: 09-06-2010 13:05
    by aaffxx  Go to last post
  24. USDCAD Short @ 15:51

    Started by DickP, 03-04-2008 03:17
    2008, color, dam, dick, expert advisor, forex bots, forex ea, great, hit, ice, job, major, new, other, out, profit, short, signals, stop, thumb, trade, trailing stop, usdcad
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,856
    Last Post: 10-02-2009 23:39
    by DickP  Go to last post
  25. Long Usd/jpy

    Started by BigE, 03-04-2008 19:09
    admire, business, dam, damn, discipline, entry, exit, expert advisor, first, forex bots, forex ea, good, hours, however, item, joke, jpy, know, last, leveling, like, line, lit, little, long, loss, lots, main, pips, stop loss, stop loss hunting, thumb, trade, usd, usd/jpy, world
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,836
    Last Post: 01-11-2009 11:35
    by Jones  Go to last post
  26. How do you read Bollinger Bands?

    Started by ChuteBox11, 03-06-2008 20:42
    , bands, beginner, between, bollinger, bollinger bands, channels, difference, expert advisor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, how, keltner, know, like, post, traders, well
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,294
    Last Post: 07-16-2010 22:09
    by Lennox  Go to last post
  27. My Zink Killer Expired!

    Started by DickP, 03-07-2008 01:24
    , auto, automated, back, both, did, didn, else, ests, expired, expiry, forex, forex bots, forex software, trading, zink
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,712
    Last Post: 10-16-2009 15:14
    by DickP  Go to last post
  28. Should I buy a new computer for Trading?

    Started by Wookie, 03-08-2008 16:28
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    , beast, beauty, buy, clean, coming, compute, current, dam, date, dell, external, forex, forex bots, fxpro, great, hardware, long, money, mt4, new, news, out, pieces, preliminary, receive, recently, star, started, thread, thumb, trade, trading, wait, win, windows, working, works, yesterday, yourself
    • Replies: 74
    • Views: 15,204
    Last Post: 08-06-2013 13:28
    by rohmatul  Go to last post
  29. FAPS is $400???

    Started by 8mm, 03-12-2008 03:47
    2 Pages
    1 2
    , automated, back, backtesting, bat, beginner, broker, brokers, buy, change, chat, currency, discounted, explaining, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, forum, forums, fxstreet, gaining, get, going, gold, long, money, month, mt4, new, now, pieces, post, results, risk, signals, stop loss, strategies, strategy, thumb, trades, wasn, win, wind, winning, words, working, worth, write, written, yield, zecco 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 32
    • Views: 7,743
    Last Post: 07-29-2011 14:32
    by ChartWizQ  Go to last post
  30. Vista Gadget - InterbankFX

    Started by Mistigri, 03-12-2008 16:24
    , dead, dow, downloads, expert advisor, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, free, gadget, hope, interbankfx, like, link, pulls, quotes, rip, site, vista
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,128
    Last Post: 07-25-2010 07:39
    by tab  Go to last post
  31. MetaTrader4 Indicator BID/ASK- indicator

    Started by LCW-FX, 03-15-2008 06:35
    , ask, bid, bid ask price, expert advisor, feeds, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, free, indicator, indicators, meta, metatrader, post, signals, trade, trading, win, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,505
    Last Post: 03-15-2010 03:33
    by DarkManFX  Go to last post
  32. ADX auto trade - EA

    Started by EV0912, 03-15-2008 07:38
    , auto, auto trade, eurusd, experiment, expert advisor, feeds, file, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, forex trading, forex trading system, trade, traders, trading
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,588
    Last Post: 02-18-2012 12:32
    by BillClay  Go to last post
  33. Most Profitable Forex Indicator Known to Mankind

    Started by Angelous, 03-16-2008 04:42
    10 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    • Replies: 190
    • Views: 67,189
    Last Post: 10-14-2013 19:10
    by Jones  Go to last post
  34. Forex Video: Free Forex Day Trading

    Started by Kat3X, 03-16-2008 15:42
    charge, day trading, dick, digging, expert advisor, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex strategies, forex strategy, forex video, free, free forex, get, methods, new, new site, out, seems, some, strategy, thumb, trading, youtube
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 4,165
    Last Post: 01-23-2012 04:24
    by Bbarbara  Go to last post
  35. WHC, Russia

    Started by Broco, 03-17-2008 11:48
    , account, automated, broco, broker, brokers, contest, credits, did, etc, figure, forex, forex bots, forex brokers, fx broker, gold, happened, ill, meta trader, name, new, registered, russia, strategy, trader, traders, trading, wide, win, world
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 5,148
    Last Post: 07-07-2013 08:16
    by Paprika  Go to last post
  36. MetaTrader4 Indicator NINA-CATFX--EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 03-17-2008 14:51
    catfx, expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, good, indicator, meta, metatrader, metatrader 4, mt4, nina, password, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,088
    Last Post: 07-28-2010 23:12
    by mk3fx  Go to last post
  37. MetaTrader4 Indicator BRAIN TREND-EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 03-19-2008 02:07
    brain, expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, indicator, meta, metatrader, metatrader 4, mt4, thumb, trend, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,591
    Last Post: 09-08-2010 07:36
    by DickP  Go to last post
  38. MetaTrader4 Indicator NEWS TRADER - EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 03-19-2008 04:48
    expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, indicator, meta, metatrader, metatrader 4, mt4, news, news spike, thumb, trader, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,954
    Last Post: 09-08-2010 07:36
    by DickP  Go to last post
  39. Just blew a $1000 account!

    Started by YungGun, 03-19-2008 15:02
    2 Pages
    1 2
    , account, advanced, arts, automated, beginner, broker, brokers, chat, china, crisis, crow, dam, discounted, exiting, explaining, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, free, fxstreet, gained, good, half, into, look, may, money, money management, more, new, rating, risk, signals, strategies, strategy, suits, thought, thumb, trade, trading, wedding, win, winning, wise, withdraw, withdraws, worth, yourself
    • Replies: 28
    • Views: 6,744
    Last Post: 01-02-2012 04:40
    by Namon  Go to last post
  40. Dealer Lots Management Manual _EA

    Started by EV0912, 03-24-2008 02:35
    , ally, already, dealer, exactly, expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, get, lots, management, manual, never, sharing, work
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,391
    Last Post: 08-04-2010 21:45
    by niksana  Go to last post
  41. MetaTrader4 Indicator SWEET SPOT-EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 04-16-2008 16:17
    , expert advisor, feeds, file, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, indicator, link, meta, metatrader, other, spot, sweet, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,445
    Last Post: 06-14-2009 15:58
    by screw  Go to last post
  42. MetaTrader4 Indicator EA DEALERS

    Started by LCW-FX, 04-16-2008 16:17
    , achieve, buy, dealer, dealers, escape, expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, gold, indicator, meta, metatrader, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,460
    Last Post: 07-08-2008 03:36
    by lkky00245  Go to last post
  43. WFXAdvisor - FX signal service - Free forecasts !

    Started by WFXA, 04-21-2008 15:27
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, agree, analysis, automated, broker, bump, candlestick, channels, crisis, current, dollar, eur/usd, eurusd, farm, folks, forex, forex bots, forex signal, free, gbpusd, gold, great, important, indicators, jpy, new, non, out, payrolls, posting, promotion, results, risk, service, signal, signal provider, signals, signals., strategy, tomorrow, usd, usdchf, usdjpy, very, wins, world, yourself
    • Replies: 45
    • Views: 6,510
    Last Post: 09-03-2010 12:19
    by nano-pips  Go to last post
  44. MetaTrader4 Indicator 100 pips-EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 04-25-2008 09:15
    expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, indicator, meta, metatrader, metatrader 4, mt4, pips, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,541
    Last Post: 07-01-2010 05:57
    by moonlight  Go to last post
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,057
    Last Post: 12-18-2010 03:21
    by Rasheen  Go to last post
  45. Z-Z1 LA Best Alert Next Bar-indicator

    Started by FX-Update, 05-01-2008 23:22
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 48
    • Views: 18,499
    Last Post: 05-21-2012 16:29
    by soze  Go to last post
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 6,413
    Last Post: 07-07-2013 08:17
    by Paprika  Go to last post
  46. Nina-catfx- Ea

    Started by FX-Update, 05-04-2008 04:51
    , back, backtesting, catfx, dead, expert advisor, feeds, file, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, logic, nina, remove, results, thumb, too
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,131
    Last Post: 06-14-2009 15:45
    by screw  Go to last post
  47. MetaTrader4 Indicator divergence trader-EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 05-05-2008 00:15
    , bump, buy, diverge, divergence, expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, gold, indicator, indicator divergence, meta, metatrader, money, thread, trader, world, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,920
    Last Post: 05-20-2009 15:21
    by Paprika  Go to last post
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,849
    Last Post: 02-16-2011 10:09
    by tab  Go to last post
  48. MetaTrader4 Indicator CAMARILA-EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 05-05-2008 00:15
    , expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, indication, indicator, looki, looking, meta, metatrader, page, sorry, works, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,706
    Last Post: 05-10-2012 02:33
    by ttx2011  Go to last post
  49. Review of The Stealth Forex System

    Started by Xanadu, 05-14-2008 14:03
    , actor, aus, automated, beginner, bots, candlestick, chat, consistently, contribute, developing, discounted, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, forums, fractals, free, fxstreet, money, most, new, out, own, renew, results, risk, seemed, signals, software, strategies, strategy, success, systems, trading, usd, win, wind, winners, winning, works, worth
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 5,235
    Last Post: 11-23-2010 20:57
    by thefxguru  Go to last post
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,273
    Last Post: 09-16-2010 01:58
    by DickP  Go to last post
  50. MetaTrader4 Indicator MASTER MA - EA

    Started by LCW-FX, 05-18-2008 18:42
    , expert advisor, feeds, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, indicator, master, meta, metatrader, zig, zigzag
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,522
    Last Post: 05-18-2008 18:42
    by LCW-FX  Go to last post
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,496
    Last Post: 06-06-2008 21:09
    by Mike  Go to last post
  51. Market Programming

    Started by MPr, 05-23-2008 01:37
    , automated, bump, buy, dust, forex bots, forex software, generally, get, gold, ice, indicator, kitchen, know, let, leverage, market, method, money, nice, pips, programming, satisfied, success, system, trade, trading, very, wedding, wiped, with, word, world, wrapped 1 Deleted Post(s)
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 3,156
    Last Post: 11-09-2009 05:31
    by zunmation  Go to last post
  52. Metatrader Expert Advisor Forexy

    Started by iticsoftware, 07-09-2008 23:17
    , 2008, ability, advisor, arts, automated, battle, beauty, border, bread, broker, calculator, chance, current, either, ester, eurcad, eurgbp, europe, eurusd, expert, expert advisor, factor, favor, feedback, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, forex trading, free, gbpusd, indicator, men, metatrader, money, new, optimization, risk, strategy, suits, trading, usdcad, win, winner, wise, working, works
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 6,729
    Last Post: 01-26-2012 03:49
    by DickP  Go to last post
  53. MT4 screen capture

    Started by FerruFx, 07-16-2008 00:59
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 27
    • Views: 8,852
    Last Post: 03-02-2011 18:16
    by ia.ibfx  Go to last post
  54. Multi-Indic Watcher

    Started by FerruFx, 07-16-2008 01:04
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 52
    • Views: 14,790
    Last Post: 08-20-2010 01:47
    by FerruFx  Go to last post
  55. Forex Beater EA results

    Started by pipsbuster, 08-04-2008 14:28
    , automated, current, days, discounted, forex, forex bots, forex software, forex trading, free, hit, hitter, how, indicators, killer, metatrader, money, quote, results, signals, strategies, suicide, trader, trades, trading, turbulent, win, winning, working
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 4,265
    Last Post: 08-06-2010 05:49
    by FxFreedom  Go to last post
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 4,890
    Last Post: 07-16-2010 17:52
    by jakesullivan  Go to last post
    • Replies: 74
    • Views: 8,093
    Last Post: 07-29-2011 14:28
    by ChartWizQ  Go to last post
  56. New Member

    Started by toba11, 08-09-2008 16:34
    2 Pages
    1 2
    , active, beginner, confused, expert advisor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, forex trading, forum, forums, gain, months, new, over, person, trading, welcome, welcome to the forums
    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 3,857
    Last Post: 11-23-2010 21:02
    by thefxguru  Go to last post
  57. Forex M.O.D Trading System

    Started by adpablo, 09-27-2008 22:33
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,791
    Last Post: 08-05-2010 19:54
    by Avon  Go to last post
  58. EA scam alert!

    Started by rumiguru, 09-30-2008 02:46
    , automated, buy, check, clear, definitely, dig, ea scam, expert advisor, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, gbp, list, most, negative, off, other, results, risk, scam, scams, steer, strategy, thumb, trade, traders, usd
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 4,934
    Last Post: 01-16-2011 20:17
    by fxgrowthbot  Go to last post
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 4,599
    Last Post: 08-06-2010 07:41
    by jake2701  Go to last post
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,389
    Last Post: 06-09-2010 02:31
    by Jones  Go to last post
  59. TrendFollower EA

    Started by atfx, 10-10-2008 08:22
    , advisor, auto, autotradingfx, dam, details, expert, expert advisor, follower, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, gfx, month, promising, site, trend
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,111
    Last Post: 01-13-2012 20:59
    by makron  Go to last post
  60. CT DiamondV4 Best Software on the Market

    Started by ronock15, 10-13-2008 20:22
    , 2008, broker, cisco, forex, forex bots, forex market, forex software, free, introducing broker, money, money management, new, pips, success, trades, trading, zecco
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,022
    Last Post: 01-03-2012 03:46
    by Paprika  Go to last post
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,412
    Last Post: 05-24-2010 10:51
    by DickP  Go to last post
  61. FREE FOREX Strategy

    Started by forexbandade, 10-30-2008 14:26
    dam, dust, forex, forex bots, forex strategies, forex strategy, free, free forex, indicator, internet, news, other, price, rip, site, stop loss, strategy, trade, trend
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 4,464
    Last Post: 01-15-2012 22:30
    by W.DP  Go to last post
  62. Tri Hedge EA

    Started by cybernet, 11-12-2008 15:02
    , details, email, expert advisor, fan, fantastic, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, fur, further, hedge, johnson, mark, message, money, new, son
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 4,449
    Last Post: 07-26-2010 22:15
    by plandy  Go to last post
  63. Hi all

    Started by zephyr, 11-12-2008 18:39
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    , across, automated, beginner, break, broker, brokers, cat, cell, detail, etc, euro, everyone, expert advisor, few, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, forex trading, forum, forums, heck, money, obama, pips, quote, trades, welcome, welcome to the forums, whi, zephyr
    • Replies: 61
    • Views: 8,952
    Last Post: 04-06-2012 02:46
    by Varg  Go to last post
  64. Hedge EA

    Started by cybernet, 11-13-2008 00:10
    , discuss, expert advisor, forex, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, good, indicators, look, more, pre, pretty, results, some, system, trader, trading
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,895
    Last Post: 09-19-2009 00:36
    by Judge  Go to last post
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,199
    Last Post: 04-03-2011 18:20
    by pip  Go to last post

    Started by FxSupplier, 11-30-2008 15:44
    2 Pages
    1 2
    , analysis, automated, beginner, different, discounted, extremely, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, free, half, least, lost, money, real, results, strategies, strategy, study, success, those, trading, tried, why, winning, with, works, would
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 5,549
    Last Post: 07-13-2012 09:57
    by hunting leopard  Go to last post
  66. Time to say hello!

    Started by irrighibe, 12-01-2008 23:47
    , been, beginner, expert advisor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, forum, forums, hello, looki, looking, post, trading, welcome, welcome to the forums, world
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 4,121
    Last Post: 09-20-2010 02:37
    by TopTrader  Go to last post
  67. TOPGUN Nr4 Breakout Method -- IT WORKS!

    Started by Mike, 12-03-2008 01:11
    2 Pages
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    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 667
    Last Post: 05-27-2012 18:08
    by TopTrader  Go to last post
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,047
    Last Post: 01-08-2009 09:47
    by Mike  Go to last post
  68. Championship EA

    Started by cybernet, 12-14-2008 15:58
    , championship, currently, effective, expert advisor, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, fur, gbpusd, get, happening, how, know, meta, metatrader, mql, mt4, ship, trade, trades, win, winning
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 3,261
    Last Post: 08-21-2010 17:17
    by chrishoo500a  Go to last post
  69. Basket Trading EA v1.2

    Started by cybernet, 12-22-2008 22:12
    , currencies, details, email, expert advisor, factor, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, indicators, method, more, mt4, post, saw, think, trade, trading
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,511
    Last Post: 01-12-2009 04:25
    by FXman  Go to last post
  70. Basket Trading EA v1.2

    Started by cybernet, 12-22-2008 22:16
    , balance, based, basket, between, currencies, email, expert advisor, factor, forex bots, forex ea, forex software, method, mt4, relative, trade, trading
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,294
    Last Post: 06-04-2012 21:15
    by FORtheEX  Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,145
    Last Post: 01-04-2009 02:47
    by tradingfxsystem  Go to last post
  71. Anything better than Forex Killer?

    Started by acidburn03, 01-07-2009 03:28
    , ally, beginner, better, bucket, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex peace army, funniest, guy, indicators, killer, long, maybe, mt4, quote, recently, short, thumb, top, toptrader, totally, trade
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 3,810
    Last Post: 02-02-2012 18:31
    by Namon  Go to last post
  72. Another new reason to use Top Gun Software

    Started by Mike, 01-08-2009 10:09
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 6,668
    Last Post: 08-06-2010 05:55
    by FxFreedom  Go to last post
  73. Most Money You've Made in One Day?

    Started by dollarfinder, 01-08-2009 17:50
    5 Pages
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    • Views: 29,396
    Last Post: 12-13-2012 09:07
    by jakesullivan  Go to last post
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,609
    Last Post: 05-25-2009 15:42
    by RainmanfX  Go to last post
  74. Is Forex Boomerang Any Good?

    Started by babe, 01-13-2009 22:37
    , advance, better, boomerang, bots, buy, forex, forex bots, forex software, good, heard, less, mat, matter, money, new, newbies, news, people, pips, see, trading, trading forex, trend
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,119
    Last Post: 08-21-2010 17:17
    by chrishoo500a  Go to last post
  75. Post The Funniest Forex Video You Can Find!

    Started by Jones, 01-14-2009 03:39
    , automated, beginner, change, code, default, fine, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex video, forums, links, money, off, post, posting, scam, some, thread, trick, tur, working, youtube
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 4,150
    Last Post: 08-21-2012 02:36
    by chislow  Go to last post
  76. Forex Broker: InstaForex

    Started by IFX Ekaterina, 01-15-2009 14:28
    38 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 38
    • Replies: 750
    • Views: 117,378
    Last Post: 10-03-2013 04:11
    by IFX Bella  Go to last post
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,759
    Last Post: 01-29-2009 05:35
    by DickP  Go to last post
  77. explain PIPS

    Started by Pure, 01-22-2009 19:08
    , answer, beginner, brokers, down, expert advisor, factor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, forum, forums, free, good, leverage, pips, signal, signals, thumb, trade, welcome, welcome to the forums, wind, winner, word
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 4,760
    Last Post: 01-13-2011 20:57
    by ttx2011  Go to last post
  78. Has anyone ever heard of Precision FX?

    Started by sundance2009, 01-22-2009 23:49
    , active, been, beginner, confused, fibonacci, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forum, forums, free, happens, hit, long, money, mystery, people, run, signals, study, time, trade, win, wind, worth
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,563
    Last Post: 03-02-2011 10:24
    by newpath  Go to last post
  79. what does it take to be rich in forex?

    Started by rjferrer, 01-26-2009 05:37
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    , $1 million, automated, bat, beginner, broker, capita, cen, cents, compounded, detail, dickp, did, dig, donald trump, either, endure, expert advisor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, forex education, forex trading, forexforums, forum, forums, makes, money, money management, never, people, pips, post, risk, signals, strategy, succeed, suits, technical, trading, trading days, trading forex, yourself
    • Replies: 55
    • Views: 9,944
    Last Post: 06-11-2013 22:05
    by candle7779  Go to last post
  80. Any using FAP Turbo........

    Started by btroy00, 01-27-2009 20:36
    2 Pages
    1 2
    , alpari, automated, backtesting, before, broker, case, commit, currency trading, current, demo, dollar, ester, expert advisor, factor, faps, forex, forex bot, forex bots, forex ea, forex robot, forex software, forex trading, gbpusd, get, good, hands, hello, money, new, news, recently, results, risk, scam, signals, thumb, trade, trading, trading days, usd, working, zecco
    • Replies: 26
    • Views: 9,783
    Last Post: 05-18-2011 05:01
    by DickP  Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,742
    Last Post: 02-05-2009 18:13
    by LCW-FX  Go to last post
  81. Testing Results of New MT4 Expert Advisor.

    Started by oleg2009, 02-22-2009 04:46
    , advisor, eurusd, expert, expert advisor, forex bots, forex software, impression, mt4, new, put, recently, results, see, single, testing, thing
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,227
    Last Post: 08-21-2010 17:19
    by chrishoo500a  Go to last post
  82. Forex classified ads

    Started by uninnova, 03-04-2009 18:37
    , agree, beginner, classified, expert advisor, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex ea, free, good, hank, idea, look, study, sure, take, thumb, very
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 3,311
    Last Post: 12-12-2010 06:29
    by scalpingmaster  Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,929
    Last Post: 03-06-2009 14:00
    by LCW-FX  Go to last post
  83. Poll: Scalping for beginners

    Started by miskec, 03-17-2009 17:30
    , begin, beginner, beginners, broker, brokers, currency, cut, day trading, either, forex, forex basics, forex beginner, forex bots, forex trading, fur, job, leverage, like, liquid, money, new, news, nothing, really, results, risk, scalping, somewhat, strategy, trading, useful
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 6,134
    Last Post: 11-04-2011 10:35
    by henryduncan12  Go to last post
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