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Thread: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

  1. #61
    Hindsight Hero! DickP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Please don't bring up old flame threads for no good reason, please go a little easy. McPott, you really did do your homework and satisfied your curiosity about the address issue of this company but lets let this issue rest. It is not a productive thing to dwell on matters of this nature excessively, as I always said, exposing something as a scam is just a waste of time, and my own experiences with almost every imaginable type of Forex company I can see how easy it is to be prone to be accusative when your own money is on the line.

    So, let's focus on what earns us more pips in the future. Thanks everyone
    Man that's so wizzeak! If a scam is a scam, then say its a scam, don't sweep it under the rug.
    But this guy SooDan is being a fentoozler for certain.

    "I came to make pips and chew bubble gum...damn, I'm all out of gum..."
    -DickP, 2011

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by DickP View Post
    Man that's so wizzeak! If a scam is a scam, then say its a scam, don't sweep it under the rug.
    But this guy SooDan is being a fentoozler for certain.
    Not sure what a "FENTOOZLER" is, but if its someone who brings up 2 year old threads for no good reason, he is one.

    And my position is not weak, this discussion is taking your eyes off your charts

  3. #63
    Pippier Than Thou! McPott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Please don't bring up old flame threads for no good reason, please go a little easy. McPott, you really did do your homework and satisfied your curiosity about the address issue of this company but lets let this issue rest. It is not a productive thing to dwell on matters of this nature excessively, as I always said, exposing something as a scam is just a waste of time, and my own experiences with almost every imaginable type of Forex company I can see how easy it is to be prone to be accusative when your own money is on the line.

    So, let's focus on what earns us more pips in the future. Thanks everyone
    Apologies, but it was not I who posted in this thread to bring it backk up after 2 years lol, i got an email notification that it was replied to and I was like shocked to see what it said. SooDan just wants attention for some reason to be thrown off the hard cold facts of my findings that day. FPA owner has address 1617 ************ in LA, but wants people to think he's in financial mecca New York. All I'm getting at here.

  4. #64
    My Pip Hand Is Weak FxScamdar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Somebody doesn't like Forex Bastards...haha

    Quote Originally Posted by McPott View Post
    Hey guys,

    Came accross something funny today when searching for expired Forex domains. It seems someone doesn't like Felix Homogratus very much, look at these domains that were registered at some point, but now are expired ready to be bought...

    I was the first to figure out Forex Peace Army uses a fake address in NYC, the building # falls in the middle of a street, lol. Here's just another funny thing about the dude. I haven't heard much news on him since the whole Craigslist marriage debacle...
    Ah, you see that adds a whole new dimension to their scam, giving out a false address as a business is a clear indication of a business being a scam. Clear, there is no reason not to give a real address if you are not a legitimate company.

    As for all of these screenshots, this does not prove something is a scam because someone registeres a domain of your business + the word scam in it. But, it goes to the heart of the matter who has it in their best interest to go through spending $100s on those domains and to do what with them exactly?

  5. #65
    My Pip Hand Is Weak FxScamdar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Somebody doesn't like Forex Bastards...haha

    Quote Originally Posted by BigE View Post
    I think they are scammers over there, I mean, I've owned a lot of websites in my time, but never took money from people through them, just advertising, it's a whole new ball of wax offering "services" to people. Whether Felix Homogratis is a scammer or not remains to be seen, but you will get quite a good amount of blowback by running a "signal service" business in Forex, since the risk for loss is so much higher than other businesses such as Web Development, or even Tarrot Card readings, lol...
    Well, thinking is not knowing. But I think there is a lot of evidence that Forex Peace Army, although one of the most popular Forex communities on the net is run by people that make more off of their website ventures than trading. So, does that make it a scam outright? No of course not.

    But if you care to read some of the things over at, you see comments that span years literally about how Forex Peace Army has an elaborate system set up so that you join their free forum, get free advice that channels you to specific sponsors and worse yet "signal services" that Forex Peace Army actually owns themselves or is associated with to the degree that it earns them money off the relationships.

  6. #66
    My Pip Hand Is Weak FxScamdar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Somebody doesn't like Forex Bastards...haha

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Please leave this stuff to a different Forum
    What forum would that be? I think its a great place you have here to help people avoid scams, so let's go for it! I can help you, this is what I'm good at.

  7. #67
    My Pip Hand Is Weak FxScamdar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by sniper012 View Post
    did it ever cross your mind that maybe he happened to be in the area by chance when he took those pics? I am in the city at least 5 days a week and I am always in that area. No special trip is required.
    In my research I've come across alot about Forex Peace Army and this is just the latest in many many things that shine a light on this hectic hectic life the owners of that site have and how it spills over costing real people small fortunes.

    I'm not sure if it was mentioned but Dimitri aka Felix who owns those sites Forex Bastards, Forex Peace Army, whatever other feeder sites that link to it, his address in Los Angeles, California is the exact same address of Forex Peace Army in New York, just change the Zip Code and City. He has probably never even been to New York let alone took the time to scope out a real building Forex Peace Army can pretend to work out of. Hell, Google Maps could have even helped him in this regard, but this was not the case in this regard.

    I think alot of you touched upon how these websites are scams and not to be trusted but the staggering fact is that Felix is making thousands of dollars off of advertising because some how he has millions of visitors going to the website very month. However he did it, he did it and is ensnaring many of the new blood this market is infused with on a daily basis.

    Websites linked to Felix:

    Here are some interesting websites dedicated to this fraud:

    And I could not put it any better than this one member of ForexTsd
    Do not get blineded by the sweet dreams and promises to profit big in forex for the first time, but novice traders, please read this so you don't get into the corner I found myself in, losing most of my money because this bastrad of all bastards who you call Felix, and i call demitri or the real brain behind all this scam, a guy called Bruce Hoffman from Texas(convicted for many fraud crimes and spent time in jail).

    This little punch of people doing what at least can be described as organized crime, inlcuding many other identities like Rob, Grespi, Rick, Ghafour, Rasheid, Omar, and many more masks....all fake

    They promote their signal service, fooling novice forex traders to count on them in trading the news. they have caused hundreds of people to lose big money. they even dare to promise you if you lose that they can blackmail the broker to get you your money back.
    They have done that several times and we have seen traders burned by their flames, and they try to flame brokers too, some times succeed and others not. Google for felix combined with Oanda, interbankFX, FXCM,, and any broker of your choice, you will see their scams, a replica used with tens of brokers over the past 3 years, and the victims, hundreds of traders who get broke.

    See what I found about those bunch of crooks on the web, and don't ask me, I have been also burned by these theives.

  8. #68
    Pippier Than Thou! adam2011's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by ACE View Post
    that's not exactly true, maybe it has one of the most pages, giving it search engine prevelance, but its not the most popular, just look at Alexa ranks.
    Man, Alexa ranks is probably a paid service fm the top brokers to Alexa .. !!

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Forex Peace Army sends me signals in my mail every day, I get lots of good advice from them so this discussion is funny to me, like someone complaining about a car company, a car is a car.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    FPA is a great place to learn Forex and how not to get scammed, this discussion makes me laugh, I smell jealously like I were passing a landfill on a hot day.

  11. #71
    I Don't Post Much ForexTT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by McPott View Post
    wow! I just found out that Felix's address in california used to be:

    in california

    AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! He just changed the town and zip code. And to think, if he had only lived at 1619 Broadway in Los Angeles (and checked that zip code map), we wouldn't have even known... unless someone actually went into 1619 Broadway in NY.
    How is your life better now that you've digged up all this dirt? Truth is Forex Peace Army is populated with some of the industry's leading traders helping each other out, much more than I can say about this site you have here

  12. #72
    I am Part Pips sniper012's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    well...I don't know. If this is a service that we are supposed to be taking signals from, how comfortable should we be doing that if they are not being honest about the simple things? If they are populated with these leading traders, then they should not have to put a beard on their service by frontin like they have a New York address. Warren Buffett is a highly respected trader and he doesn't have to try and put yeast on his resume by saying he works out of a NYC office. I'm not sure where most of you guys live but I live in New York and I'm sure I have passed by the address in question at least 50 times this year. It's not like you have to take a special trip necessarily.
    Lastly, I guess you haven't looked through too many threads on this site. I think we all make an effort to help other members of this forum. You can check out my threads on Price Action, Fractals and so on. You may not find them helpful but they're here for all to look at.
    Quote Originally Posted by ForexTT View Post
    How is your life better now that you've digged up all this dirt? Truth is Forex Peace Army is populated with some of the industry's leading traders helping each other out, much more than I can say about this site you have here

    Pippin ain't easy, but it sho' is fun!

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    I can't believe I still get email notifications about this tyhread, i thought this was a dead mof****in issue, FPA owns you all and will exist long after you are gone. FPA is #1, signals are #1, advice is #1, what is this site? #10, #20, #100... hahaha

  14. #74
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    I used to belong to them but the daily emails killed me,had to put a block on their entire mailroot!

  15. #75
    Pippier Than Thou! adam2011's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by Torvo View Post
    Forex Peace Army sends me signals in my mail every day, I get lots of good advice from them so this discussion is funny to me, like someone complaining about a car company, a car is a car.
    Haven't they announced about my car ?

  16. #76
    Pippier Than Thou! adam2011's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by fortuna View Post
    FPA is a great place to learn Forex and how not to get scammed, this discussion makes me laugh, I smell jealously like I were passing a landfill on a hot day.
    Well, not FPA Only . there're many good places to learn how to trade .. etc..

  17. #77
    Pippier Than Thou! adam2011's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by ForexTT View Post
    How is your life better now that you've digged up all this dirt? Truth is Forex Peace Army is populated with some of the industry's leading traders helping each other out, much more than I can say about this site you have here
    Rule: Never give unlimited-trust to someone/some company. Fake people exists everywhere man !!

  18. #78
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    You guys got it all wrong FPA is a pioneer on the net when it comes to Forex Trading, they have done more unique and innovative things for traders than anyone in history of net, so back off, this discussion should be banned for being all lies!

  19. #79
    Pippier Than Thou! adam2011's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnifico View Post
    You guys got it all wrong FPA is a pioneer on the net when it comes to Forex Trading, they have done more unique and innovative things for traders than anyone in history of net, so back off, this discussion should be banned for being all lies!
    Pioneer??? How long has been FPA in Forex World ??

  20. #80
    I am Part Pips sniper012's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Forex Society Using Fake Address in NYC

    Maybe someone needs to give me a walk through of FPA. I went on there and I really didn't see all that some of these guys are talking about. Maybe I need to look again.
    Quote Originally Posted by adam2011 View Post
    Pioneer??? How long has been FPA in Forex World ??

    Pippin ain't easy, but it sho' is fun!

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