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Thread: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

  1. #1
    Pips Are My Game Dannyfx's Avatar
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    Default Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    This is basically for anyone who is Libertarian like me, or Independent, or I guess a Republican or conservative if you're like reading about how Obama sucks. But I warn you, if you're a lifelong democrat or will vote democrat even if one of the initiatives put forth by the democratic candidate were to invoke Satan to take an invincible human form to devour every living soul on earth... DO NOT READ THIS POST. STOP HERE! GO NO FURTHER. You will not like to hear the truth about Obama destroying jobs, and how the magical fairy dust of hope and change ruined an entire THRIVING AMERICAN INDUSTRY, putting thousands of smart, well educated people out of business and out of work. You won't want to hear how I heard untold horror stories from traders like me, how Obama with his merry band of a-holes led by Senators Dodd and Frank altered our lives forever, forcing many to give up LIVING A DREAM OF EARNING HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A DAY, take jobs in unrelated fields, or even in some cases find ways to move off shore to keep their dream alive. That's right! Obama forcing hard working, smart, and tax paying citizens into other jobs or out of the country! Why would Obama do that and why haven't you heard of this before? Great questions I hope to answer, in fact will answer if you have about 20 minutes to read this extra-partisan (no not bipartisan) rant about the way things were and could have been if Barack Hussein Obama did not win in 2008. I'll readily admit I voted for the guy to PUNISH republicans for what they did to us for 8 years straight, failing on 9/11, starting a war for no reason in Iraq, no WMD, the Patriot Act, the Jonas Brothers... okay the Jonas Brothers wasn't their fault, but it was a dark 8 years that no one can be blamed for not wanting to repeat by voting for McCain, I totally 100% agree with that, no arguments there. But Obama has a record now, and its one that has left a path of destruction in it's wake on REAL American businesses, many gone now, many I worked with and relied on for my own business to function.

    First I'd like to say I usually I keep my political views to myself and don't care about politics (unless something REALLY bothers me about something a politician did like GWB, no WMD, etc., that was a travesty, no question) But Barack Obama is a stooge, and I don't mean a DUMMY, he's quite smart, but instead of some phantom reason to not like Barack Hussein Obama I can point to a very concrete and substantive reason why this man should not be in control of this country for another 4 years especially if the first 4 years was the 1/2 of his term in which he was docile and controllable with a re-election campaign looming in the distance ensuring his demise if he was TOO LIBERAL at any point. Scary to think what 4 years of worry free liberal radicalism will do to the country.

    Secondly, It's clear that people are still, after all this time, voting AGAINST George Bush instead of actually voting for Barack Obama, because in 2008 the man had no record except 100 days in the Senate and principally NOT BEING GEORGE BUSH; and so he was LOFTED into the white house by NOT being GEORGE BUSH. What's more egregious is he put forth NO strategy for his first 4 years except "undoing the mess George Bush caused" with hope and change fairy dust and some wistful words on his teleprompter making legs tingle and people tear up in the audience YES WE CAN, and YES HE DID change this country, and in almost every case it's worse than before. Fast forward 4 years and he refuses to put forth a strategy for his next 4 years (besides saying "Romney will return us to George Bush's mess") basically out of fear that people will catch on his outlook is grossly out of step from that which represents the average American's point of view, not to mention there's no such thing as hope and change fairy dust.

    But why he doesn't have my vote: Quite bluntly, he destroyed my ability to make a living in my former business that I saw die slowly after seeing my entire industry be shot with an elephant gun in 2009 by a draconian series of laws he signed into existence smiling and without regret all the while claiming he is "protecting us."

    I used to make anywhere from $100 to $1400 each day, 5 days a week before DODD FRANK happened and killed us. And before anyone says WE caused the financial crisis, get your facts straight, the FED and WASHINGTON started the crisis in the 90's and it exploded under Bush, but that's not what this is about.

    I'm talking of course about the DODD-FWANK FINANCIAL REFORM ACT aka LET'S DO SOMETHING QUICK TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE WE ARE PROTECTING PEOPLE SO WE GET RE-ELECTED BILL. And I pronounce it FWANK because Senator Frank can't even pronounce his own name correctly, but he is control of millions of peoples' financial futures and has destroyed untold futures already, I think we have the right to take a jab at well anything about him that we can.

    I digress, anyway, before Obama signed Dodd-Frank into law, hundreds of thousands of small time traders like me had a way to make a decent living, and millions more that could have been turned on to this field and been their own boss now have to go work for others (not even in this field) and toil for a measly paycheck at something they aren't born to do, most likely at a Mc Job of some kind or another, minimum wage, no benefits no security, no peace of mind; meanwhile 10 year old children in Indonesia and other third world countries run ruckshod in the futures/commodities market, earning $$$$$thousands$$$$$ per day with 200:1 (or higher) leverage so long as they know what they are doing, basically a preteen in Zimbabwe, or Tasmania, or Biafra, or Yugoslavia, or Kenya (a place Obama knows a lot about), etc, etc, etc has more freedom and has a much greater advantage (just by virtue of where they work from) than professional traders with years of experience and schooling in America. This can easily be said of many other industries, and don't give me Romney sent jobs overseas crap, so did Obama, GOOGLE: OBAMA STIMULUS SENT JOBS OVERSEAS. And if you owned a business and saw how government regulations could actually make you LOSE your business by hiring Americans, you'd investigate hiring overseas too!

    But back to trading, how it happened, its complicated but believe me, before this bill you could make $100 a day EASILY with a $5000-$10,000 account. After Dodd-Frank "protection" act they cut our leverage in half down from being cut in half a year earlier, and forced us to have to deposit $TENS OF THOUSANDS MORE DOLLARS into our accounts in order to make $50-100 per day. That's how leverage works with traders like me that knew what they were doing and knew what this bill just did to us despite others painting a rosy picture trying to keep their clients from quitting trading and losing their business; on these forums I see we are all brutally honest with each other by saying DODD-FRANK-OBAMA just really gave it to us in the asshole for the rest of time. Because not only did they institute this restriction upon us, they justified it by blaming traders for the financial crisis which was clearly the fault of law makers creating an environment for these bubbles to grow and then burst. Me and my $10,000 and all of my buddies combined are a drop in the bucket compared to just one big bank too big to fail and did anyway and took your money to make more lousy investments (and still do). In other words BIG BANKS have the power to carry on with their billions of dollars and less leverage, a little guy like me and pretty much anyone reading this, we're finished because we got punished for other peoples' mistakes, but there's another angle to it as well that I discuss in a minute. Under every other president in modern history we could make $100 per day with a very little deposit and earn a decent living for ourselves, for our families, and for our futures. They said it was to protect people from this very vague and general thing called "fraud," which in this world materializes in more ways you can even fathom, certainly more ways than government can protect you from and government officials are themselves guilty of quite often, but in the simple minds of Dodd-Frank and Obama, being able to use 200:1 or 100:1 or even 50:1 while you trade puts you at risk of fraud. This was part 2, the death knell for the industry, just because many people up and decide one day "I think I'll try to trade" don't practice, don't approach it like a real job with real challenges, rather they approach it like a slot machine, they fail and lose money. Never mind thousands upon thousands of people like me did it successfully for years, someone new to trading might deposit money and lose it... wow what a concept, markets going up and down and someone losing money... never heard of that before. I hope my sarcasm is apparent, because in trading you're your own worst enemy, not your leverage, not the banks, not your broker, you, and those that can control themselves and quit while their ahead can earn a steady living. Or at least we DID before Dodd-Frank and Obama, the three amigos flushing this field down the toilet to "protect" everyone from another crisis.
    Thanks ACE, McPott thanked for this post

  2. #2
    Pips Are My Game Dannyfx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    So why do this to us? Why enact more regulation on the trading community? Great question because throughout my time as a trader and member of forex forums where thousands of people came to discuss trading, if a trading broker (firm) defrauded a customer, we all knew about it within days or hours of the fraud and that business LOST BUSINESS thanks to something called MARKET SELF REGULATION. And I can only speak about THIS FIELD, trading, but it goes for ALL BUSINESSES in ANY INDUSTRY, i.e., if a business is a fraud, they get found out, and lose everything, therefore it's in a business' own best interest to act competitively, competently and be as honest as possible, otherwise face ruin. DID OVER REGULATION STOP BERNIE MADDOFF FROM STEALING BILLIONS? NO IT WAS HIS CUSTOMERS FINDING OUT WHAT HE WAS DOING AND ALL TRYING TO WITHDRAW AT ONCE THAT MADE HIS FRAUDULENCE FOUND OUT AND NUKED! THE SEC EVEN SIGNED OFF ON HIS FRAUD FOR YEARS AND YEARS UNTIL IT ALL CAME CRASHING DOWN... GOVERNMENT REGULATION DID JACK **** TO STOP THE BIGGEST FINANCIAL FRAUD IN HISTORY, HOW CAN DODD FRANK EVER HOPE TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN BY TAKING AWAY OUR LEVERAGE? We certainly don't need government punishing all businesses with more regulation in order to prevent a few fraudsters from ripping people off. Under Bush and Obama banks were REWARDED with TaxPayer Money for being dishonest, for being frauds, for being flippant with their investments. Romney sent jobs overseas? Because 10 times out of 10 the business wouldn't be around anymore if they hadn't, then no one has a job, no one wins not the people left in America, not the investors, nobody. But we all suffered, and in turn, back to my original point, all traders, little guys like me were demonized to turn your attention away from the real demons that caused this crisis, namely POLITICIANS starting back in the 90's under good old boy Clinton. All you hear about is how he balanced the budget, but how exactly? GOOGLE: Clinton Caused Housing Bubble, too much to go into here.

    It's become so cliche I hate to repeat it but BIG GOVERNMENT STIFLES BUSINESS, PERIOD, not to say NO regulations is a good thing, but over regulation thanks to Dodd-Frank and Obama has killed my ability to earn, literally within one week of that false prophet's pen being put to the paper of that law I saw revenue cut by 200%. Nearly 8 years of my life vested into a field that BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA destroyed with one stroke of his pen. And interest in this once thriving and profitable field fizzled up into nothing, no one can afford to be a work at home trader anymore, big American brokers themselves have become insolvent (so it wasn't JUST ME getting hurt, it was hundreds of individual business that employed 1000's of people, then add to that hundreds of thousands of their clients that can no longer trade also being turned away from this industry), and so Obama punished everyone just to save a few who would have failed in this industry to begin with because they approached it like a casino game instead of like a job. And on a larger scale, they shifted the blame unto us, and were able to look like they know how to protect the masses from we evil traders. We, that have such little stake in the markets, to blame someone like me for the financial crisis is the equivalent of blaming one shot from a squirt gun drowning you in a hurricane; the worst insult of all the big banks (the ones that caused the hurricane (well at least they were the ones that took the bait and drank it down after politicians poured them the kool aid) that were supposed to be reigned in by Dodd-Frank still make ****ty trades and still lose billions of dollars that is essentially tax payer money. YOUR MONEY, GONE, LOST to OVERSEAS SPECULATORS DESPITE DODD-FRANK AND SIR LANCABAMA PROTECTING YOU.

    And the worst part is Dodd-Frank and Obama didn't want to stop at 50:1 leverage, a known fact is they tried to force us to 10:1 leverage but financiers that make this country run privately grabbed a hold of him and said "enough is enough, listen to us little boy blue, you'll ruin the economy and put the entire country out of a competitive stance in the futures/commodities market even worse than you already have ... you ****ing ass clown never owned a business (let alone know anything about) buffoon" I'm paraphrasing of course :-) And to have this same "ass clown" stand up before the entire country and say to EVERYONE that owns a big or small business "YOU DIDN'T MAKE THAT, GOVERNMENT MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO MAKE IT" makes me want to throw a chair at the TV.

    Government doesn't make business, it destroys them! What did the pioneers going down the rivers in the wild west think when they were going out there to forge a better life for themselves with a musket and a prayer? "Gee, I wish government would come along and build a road." NO THEY BUILT IT THEMSELVES!

    Amazing that Obama demonizes business owners who are getting taxed so much that some of their workers take home more money than they do, but let's tax them some more and spin a fairy tale that they are the cause for all their problems. The 1% consists of .90%+ small businesses owners that don't make very much more than the 99% when all is said and done after the IRS gets a hold of them, so I don't know what asshat graphs people look at from MSNBC that spin it so it ensures a class war is created in the minds of people against the those that employ them and help pay their bills, feed their families, etc, but sure, taxing businesses MORE will solve all your troubles... if your boss is taxed more, he'll have to either fire some people (maybe you) or cut your pay, and everyone makes less even him. Duh!

    Or better yet, let's just dump the 1% in the sea today... what then? Tomorrow a new group of 1%'ers will take its place from your ranks!

    In that regard, the 1% can easily say to the 99% "You didn't feed your family, WE FED YOUR FAMILY" and they'd be right and wrong but you wouldn't stand for some rich doosher saying that to you, and rightfully so: It's YOUR HARD WORK that feeds your family, but that hard work wouldn't be possible if there is no work to be had and no boss to work for, unless, like in my case, you wanted to be your own boss and three assholes like Dodd, Frank and Obama (and anyone that voted YES for that bill) come along and ruins it for you. and he says WE DIDN'T MAKE THAT... GOVERNMENT MADE THAT...

    I'd hate to say it but EVERYONE needs to be taxed more but no politician has the balls to commit political suicide and raise taxes on the chunk of the population that if they were taxed more, would most likely (combined with lessened government spending in all areas) would balance the budget for real, not the fairy tale balanced budget under Bill Clinton uber-liberals use falsely as some reason to idolize Bill Clinton too. Clinton and the fed made it possible for everyone to own a home, set the stage for the housing crisis and Bush got the blame. The other option is to go to guys like Bill Gates, Steve Jobbs, etc, the .01%'ers and just steal their money, say to them, "you have to much money, we're taking it." In which case the tens of thousands that died in Vietnam and throughout the cold war died for nothing fighting communism because that's what this country just became, COMMUNIST AMERICA. You guys can't have it both ways, either we become COMMUNIST AMERICA or we LET BUSINESS THRIVE and become CAPITALIST AMERICA again, DESTROY regulations that make guys like Bill Gates and Steve Jobbs make it in their best interest to create everything in China or India. It's do or die time for America. All the things I see people pining for, women's rights, collective bargaining, peace in the middle east, abortion, gay marriage, do you think any of that will be possible when in 4 years so many businesses fail and flee the country that we're ALL going to be on bread lines? How were these gas lines working out for everyone? That's what 4 more years of Obama will ensure us.

    Frankly this is worse for me, personally, than anything George Bush ever did, I didn't like how my country was looking under him but I sure as hell was making an okay living, then there was Obama, Jesus Christ am I sorry I voted for him. I know most of my friends don't trade so you may not understand, and may not even care what I have to say, but mark my words, if Obama can do this much REAL damage in 4 years, imagine what he will do with 4 more, and to what industries he will do it to next.


  3. #3
    OBAMA 2012 Obama's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Sour grapes, you sound like a fool.
    Dislikes ACE, bear, Matt disliked this post

  4. #4
    My Real Name Is Matt
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obama View Post
    Sour grapes, you sound like a fool.
    LOL, do you even trade Forex you retard? You like the restrictions placed upon you to trade? Just leave, in fact I say all the members here should vote on getting you banned, I saw your other posts maligning everyone that doesn't like the fraud named Obama, when its you that are the fraud.

  5. #5
    Pips Are My Game Matt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    I agree with everything you said, there's no way to sugar coat what these jerks did to us. I remember trading well just a few years back and now I am scrambling to find an overseas broker that will accept an American client... so far no go.

    To show my agreement I'm changing my signature to "I agree, Obama destroyed Forex in America"
    "I agree, Obama destroyed Forex in America"

  6. #6
    Pips Are My Game Matt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obama View Post
    Sour grapes, you sound like a fool.
    You should really find a different forum to troll, you'll get no fairy dust for your gaping asshole here.
    "I agree, Obama destroyed Forex in America"

  7. #7
    My Pip Hand Is Weak MercTrader's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    If texas secedes from the Union, Dodd-Frank will be null and void there... have hope...

  8. #8
    Pips Are My Game bear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    I'm with you Danny, Obama Dodd and Frank ****ed us over...

    I wish I could move to another country
    "The box said 'Requires Windows XP or better'. So I installed LINUX..."

  9. #9
    Pippier Than Thou! McPott's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Forex isn't totally destroyed, but as retail traders we've been demoted to TEE BALL where Middle Easterners, Asians, Africans and most Europeans are playing Major League Baseball against us. They get to throw 100mph fast balls and hit balls with such power that home runs are frequent with tons of leverage

    and we have a plastic bat trying to hit a ball on a post and are lucky if the ball goes 20 feet and we make $20 a day.

    For all intents and purposes Forex is Dead in America until a business friendly president, senate, and congress is elected. But I wouldn't hold your breath...

  10. #10
    My Charts Talk To Me ACE's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obama View Post
    Sour grapes, you sound like a fool.
    Yea there's no way your a trader... any politician that forces you to earn 50% less than what you're earning now you would never support.

    Enjoy filling mocha lates at Starbucks for the rest of your life... loser

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  11. #11
    Hindsight Hero! DickP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Stop blaming others for your problems... just because your government makes you have to deposit $10000+ more in your account to make enough to buy yourself two Big Macs a day doesn't give you the right to blame it on Obama, Dodd and Frank...

    "I came to make pips and chew bubble gum...damn, I'm all out of gum..."
    -DickP, 2011

  12. #12
    Pippier Than Thou! skynet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Barack Obama Destroyed Forex In America.

    Quote Originally Posted by DickP View Post
    Stop blaming others for your problems... just because your government makes you have to deposit $10000+ more in your account to make enough to buy yourself two Big Macs a day doesn't give you the right to blame it on Obama, Dodd and Frank...

    Hahahaha, yea anyone that blames Obama for cutting your profitability in half needs to take a ride in...

    The Past Is Prologue...Except when you're trading Forex.


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