View Full Version : Video --- How and Why Dodd-Frank Screwed you!
11-08-2012, 19:28
People tell me that Dodd-Frank was a good thing, well i try to explain to them all it did was hurt the tiny individual investor in the OTC market. The financial guru Peter Schiff agrees. :daisy:
You are a buffoon... Dodd-Frank reigned in speculation and got this country back on track... **** you and **** peter schiff, **** all republicans... long live Barack Obama
11-26-2012, 19:23
You are a buffoon... Dodd-Frank reigned in speculation and got this country back on track... **** you and **** peter schiff, **** all republicans... long live Barack Obama
You made three mistakes
First, you voted for Obama
Second, you took the food stamps
Third, empty gun rack
You are a buffoon... Dodd-Frank reigned in speculation and got this country back on track... **** you and **** peter schiff, **** all republicans... long live Barack Obama
Ignore, this idiot lives in TRALALALALALA land