View Full Version : Republicans Seeking 15% Cut to CFTC Budget

05-24-2011, 05:53
The CFTC’s budget would fall to $172 million from $202 million under the plan to be considered tomorrow by the agriculture subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. It “provides the necessary resources” for the CFTC to fulfill its duties, Representative Jack Kingston, a Georgia Republican and subcommittee chairman, said in a statement. President Barack Obama had requested $308 million in his 2012 budget proposal.


05-24-2011, 13:58
I like how you put the most ****ed up part in BOLD letters. Obama wanted to see oversight on our industry (or the funding of it at least) tripled!

I know a lot of people lose money in Forex, but why not target brokers for not taking on clients that know jack **** about trading in the first place instead of punishing every single god damn trader because some rookies complain...? Any profession, any professional sports team, would DROP THE ROOKIE or in reality send him back to the farm league to learn some more!!

We don't see this in forex do we, or any kind of trading? People want to blame everyone else except themselves for having to go back to demo trading to learn some more (the farm league of Forex).

05-24-2011, 14:12
$100 mil + $202 mil is 33% increase roughly. But regardless, republicans only doing this because many of their friends get investigated by that firm, so they probably expected this anyway in response to democrats trying to increase it.

In the end I think it will increase.

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Are you insane bro?

07-15-2012, 23:55
Why stop at 15%?